About Us

Cambridge Brain Science

Cambridge Brain Sciences is a leading provider of cognitive assessment tools for clinicians and medical practices, featuring 12 quick, fun and scientifically-validated cognitive tasks that produce objective measures across multiple cognitive domains.

One standard practice at Consulting Associates Group is to have our clients take these tasks to obtain quantified data in core areas of cognition—memory, attention, reasoning, and verbal ability—that are key to your quality of life.

Why is measuring cognitive health important?

Having a scientifically-validated objective measure of your cognitive function up front is a fundamental input to understanding which brain functions and regions may require the most focus. With this information in hand, we then tailor our treatment plans to each individual’s needs—and re-assess along the way to ensure we are seeing improvements in key focus areas—helping produce the best possible patient outcome.

Want to try a sample to experience it for yourself? Take a quick 1 minute and 30 second task of concentration to test your own attention today by clicking the button below:

Try a sample here

The Cambridge Brain Sciences tasks have been taken 8+ million times, are based on 25+ years of research and have been used in more than 300+ peer-reviewed academic studies. Learn more about Cambridge Brain Sciences here.